Brownfield Webinars

Providing Valuable Insights into Policy and Practices.

 Greater Ohio Policy Center has produced webinars on a variety of issues related to urban revitalization and sustainable growth. These webinars provide valuable insights into policy and practice.


Preparing & Prioritizing: Assembling a Plan of Action for Brownfield Remediation Projects

Ohio's newly created Brownfield Remediation Fund holds great possibilities for local communities. However, local government staff and elected officials may be unsure how to begin preparing to apply for and utilize BRF funds. This webinar provides attendees with an overview of what it takes to see a brownfield project through from start to finish. Panelists will explain what due diligence local leaders should do on a potential site, what expertise a community might want to assemble to ensure a successful and cost-efficient remediation project, and what to expect each step of the project.

Tackling Ohio’s Brownfields: An Overview of Ohio’s Available Brownfield Funding Programs

The newly created Brownfield Remediation Program is an exciting investment in Ohio’s future. This program is sure to sharpen the skills and expertise of local leaders.  This panel is for those interested in learning about Ohio’s other brownfields funding and financing opportunities, which can complement or enhance the Brownfield Remediation Program. This webinar will provide participants with an overview of Ohio’s current funding programs available at the Ohio Water Development Authority (OWDA), the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA), the Ohio Department of Development (ODOD), and JobsOhio.

A Conversation with the Ohio Department of Development on the Brownfield Remediation Fund

The Ohio Department of Development will keynote this panel to provide participants with an overview of the newly established rules for the Brownfields Remediation Fund. Brownfield stakeholders have been eagerly awaiting the guidance from the Department since the creation of the Fund in July 2021. Leadership from the Ohio Department of Development will provide a broad overview of the new rules, with a Q&A period. This webinar also features special guests Senator Matt Huffman, President of the Ohio Senate, and Senator’s Michael Rulli and Sandra Williams, champions of the brownfield program in the State Senate.